
Opening Hours

Albert Street Surgery open: 09.00 – 17.00 Mon-Fri (Except Thursday when closes at 12.30pm)

Carrickhill Surgery open: 08.30 – 17.30 Mon-Fri


At both surgeries repeat prescriptions can be requested by telephone, face-to-face or in writing. The reception staff will deal with all patient requests in a timely way. The prescription will be ready within 24 hours unless advised otherwise. If the prescription is to be posted please supply a stamped addressed envelope.

Out Of Hours

Emergency cover is provided by Beldoc after 6pm, during weekends and on Bank holidays. Patients requiring attention should phone
02890 74447. 

Home Visits

Patients are asked to attend the surgery as home visits are restricted to those patients too ill to travel. Requests for home visits should be made before 10am and the doctor on duty will make contact and assess the need. The practice has a written home visit policy which can be viewed on request.

Test Results

Please phone after 11.45 for test results. The nurse will be available to explain their relevance.

Phone Advice

This will depend on the individual doctor. Please check with reception staff for advice.

Disabled Access

The surgery premises have suitable access for disabled persons with provision for disabled parking close to the surgery entrance.

Community Health

A range of services is available. This includes district nurses, social workers. Health visitors, psychiatric nurses and midwives. Please ask staff for advice.

Minor Surgery

The practice refers patients to Crocus Street surgery. Please speak to doctor for advice

Patient Registration

New patients are expected to fill in a pre-registration form and provide their contact details. An appointment will then be given with the nurse for registration medical.

Change Of Address

Patients are asked to contact the practice with any address change as soon as possible.

Complaints / Suggestions

Despite our best efforts there are times when patients are unhappy with their treatment and wish to complain. Our complaints policy is displayed in the surgery and any complaint should be addressed to our Practice Manager in person, in writing or by telephone. We will acknowledge this within 2 working days and aim to fully investigate and reply within 10 working days. Any complaint will be kept in a separate file from medical notes to ensure confidentiality.

Violence Statement

In exceptional circumstances it may be necessary to remove patients from the practice list. Such examples are inappropriate behaviour eg physical or verbal abuse, deliberate damage to practice premises or crime and deception. If removed from the list you will be informed in writing of the practice decision with reasons for removal. You will also be given information on how to begin the process of registering with another practice.